Instructional Courses (60 or 90 minutes)

Non-Research and Quality Improvement – These courses offer introductory, intermediate, and/or advanced level training in a specified area of study. Courses that offer only advanced level training will typically require a certain amount of familiarity with the topic. Instructional Courses may be taught in any format. Fifteen minutes of Q+A per course is encouraged.

Junior Investigator (10 minutes)

Platform papers presented by ACPA Members (including Early Career Members and Student Members) who were either current professionals in training or in their first year post-graduation upon submission of the abstract may be accepted for presentation in the Junior Investigator Session and considered for the Junior Investigator Award. The highest-rated eligible papers will be selected to compete in the Junior Investigator Session for recognition and a $2,500 award. Junior Investigator presentations will be evaluated and rated on the following criteria: 1) clarity of goals of the study; 2) appropriateness of rationale and hypothesis; 3) validity of methods and experimental design; 4) impact/significance of results; 5) validity of data analysis/conclusions; 6) clarity/quality of presentation; 7) handling of discussion. Papers not selected for the Junior Investigator Session will be considered for other sessions. To be considered for this Award, indicate interest on the abstract submission agreement. Presentations should be eight minutes with two minutes reserved for Q+A.

Panel Discussions (60 minutes)

Non-Research and Quality Improvement – Panel sessions promote discussion on a debatable topic by offering different viewpoints and allowing for questions from the audience. Panels will start with a brief introduction by each panelist followed by a moderated discussion. Include all panelists and moderator in the author section of the submission. Each panel discussion is expected to include 15 minutes for Q+A.


Research, Non-Research, and Quality Improvement – Presenters will make physical posters to display during dedicated poster sessions. Presenters are required to be with their posters during their assigned poster presenter hour. Presenters will also be asked to submit a digital copy of their poster to be included in the virtual Annual Meeting materials.

Platform Paper (10 minutes)

Research, Non-Research, and Quality Improvement – Topics are presented during general and concurrent sessions throughout the meeting. Presentations should be eight minutes with two minutes reserved for Q+A.

Platform Paper – Team Coordinating and Nursing Track (10 minutes)

Research, Non-Research, and Quality Improvement – These presentations should focus on the day-to-day administration and organization associated with managing a cleft and craniofacial team, as well as issues that team members face on a daily basis. Important problems that may be emphasized are team and parent communication, initial patient contact, clinical practice issues, feeding a baby with a cleft, and long-term management of the team patient. In this category, abstracts will be accepted for 8-minute lecture presentations followed by two minutes for Q+A.

Short Talks (5 minutes)

Research, Non-Research, and Quality Improvement – Topics may include new research or clinical techniques, a special case, or clinical innovation. Opportunities for Q+A will be available after a series of presentations.

Study Sessions (60 minutes)

Non-Research and Quality Improvement – Study Sessions offer in-depth instructional information on various aspects of multidisciplinary team care. Fifteen minutes of Q+A per session is encouraged.