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How do I submit an abstract?

Abstract submission for the 2025 Annual Meeting is open. Click here for information about abstract submission.

How do I submit an abstract for ASCFS's Annual Meeting?

ASCFS abstracts follow the same process as those for ACPA’s Annual Meeting.

Will the 2025 Annual Meeting be formatted similar to the 2024 Annual Meeting?

The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held in person in Palm Springs, CA. There will not be a virtual-only submission section within the abstract submission portal. If your abstract is accepted, and an unforeseen circumstance prevents you from attending the meeting in person, please contact us immediately, and we will work with the Program Task Force on potential virtual options.

What changes have been made to the abstract submission and presentation process since the 2024 Annual Meeting?
  • Platform paper submissions will be limited to two per submitter. If you have exceeded the platform paper submission limit, please consider submitting your abstract as a short talk or poster.
  • The following primary subject areas have been added: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, and Electronic Health Record Use; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; and Policy and Advocacy. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion subject area includes, but is not limited to, abstracts on the following topics: health disparities, research or clinical approaches that reduce barriers to care for underrepresented populations, intersectionality (sex/gender, race/ethnicity, type of craniofacial difference, other identities that may come into play in the context of care decisions), rural care, and socioeconomic disadvantage.
  • Otolaryngology and Audiology are now separate primary subject areas.
  • If the abstract is accepted, the first author or submitter must present. Requests for presenter changes will be considered under extenuating circumstances.
  • If a student or trainee will be presenting a platform paper or short talk, the senior author is strongly encouraged to attend the meeting and be in attendance for the presentation and questions.
What is the character limit?

For the title, up to 250 characters are allowed and for the body, up to 3,000 characters, cumulative are allowed. This includes spaces and punctuation. View Abstract Guidelines for more information.

What are the different submission types?

See the Abstract Types for a detailed description. Note that the Program Task Force may change the abstract type, if accepted.

If I submit an abstract as a certain submission type, will it be accepted as that type?

The Program Task Force may accept the abstract as a different type than what was originally submitted. This is usually due to the number of abstracts submitted in each category and how the information will best be presented.

Can I submit an abstract for a paper that has not yet been completed?

Research in progress is acceptable as long as tentative, data-based conclusions are stated in the abstract. The abstract will be blinded and peer reviewed along the same guidelines as other abstracts submitted, see the Abstract Submission Guidelines for more details.

What is the Instructional Level that is required for Instructional Courses and Study Sessions?

The instructional level helps attendees select which course is appropriate for them to join. More details on instructional levels may be found here.

Who qualifies to submit an abstract as a Junior Investigator?

ACPA Members (including Early Career Members and Student Members) who are either current professionals in training or in their first year post-graduation are eligible to submit abstracts as a Junior Investigator. If you are not yet a member, Join Now.

How many co-authors may I have?
Who can present the abstract?

The first author or submitter of the abstract is required to present. The first author will automatically be listed as the presenter in the abstract submission system. Requests for presenter changes will be considered under extenuating circumstances.

What responsibilities does the Presenter have?

The presenter is responsible for:

  • Presenting the abstract, if accepted.
  • Assuring that all appropriate financial and non-financial relationship disclosures have been made.
  • Logging in to the abstract site to RSVP acceptance of the presentation and to review the presentation guidelines, if accepted. Email us at education@acpacares.org after acceptance if the first author is not the presenter.
  • Presenters must register for ACPA’s Annual Meeting and are responsible for all registration fees and personal expenses related to the meeting.
What information do I need about my other authors?
Do I need conflict of interest disclosures for co-authors?

Yes, conflict of interest disclosures are required for all authors.

May I submit more than one abstract?

There is no limit on the number of abstracts you can submit, except for platform papers, where the limit is two. Authors who submit multiple abstracts should be prepared to make arrangements for alternative presenters to attend in case more than one abstract is accepted.

When will I receive notification if my abstract was accepted or declined for presentation?

Abstract notifications are expected to be emailed in December of 2024 or January of 2025.

How are the abstracts reviewed?
Will ACPA accept late abstracts?

ACPA will not accept late abstracts.

Can I make changes to the abstract after it has been finalized?

You may make changes to the abstract before the submission deadline. You will be required to re-finalize the abstract. Only finalized abstracts will be reviewed.

Are there any discounts for presenters to attend ACPA’s Annual Meeting?

No. Presenters pay the same registration fees as other attendees.

Will the abstracts be published after the conference?

Abstracts will be published in an abstract-specific special online edition of The Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal (CPCJ). If your abstract has been previously published in a peer-reviewed journal, including The Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal, it may not be submitted for presentation at the ACPA Annual Meeting, as all accepted abstracts are later published in the above referenced abstract edition of CPCJ. If, after abstract submission, your abstract is accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal prior to ACPA’s Annual Meeting, notification must be submitted to ACPA in writing. Please note, this does not apply to the following submission types: Instructional Courses and Study Sessions. These two submission types may be considered for resubmission, even if previously accepted/presented*. Please see the next section for more information.

*Abstracts previously accepted as Instructional Courses and Study Sessions will be carefully reviewed by the 2025 Program Task Force.

Can I submit an abstract to ACPA if it has been presented elsewhere?

You can still submit the abstract to ACPA’s Annual Meeting if it has been presented previously, as long as it has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal (please see the above question/answer), or as an official ACPA sanctioned webinar. During the submission process, please indicate this in the submission portal in the “Previous Presentation” section. If a significant number of attendees could obtain or have obtained this information elsewhere, it may cause your abstract to receive a lower rating.

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ACPA supports, educates and encourages families at critical points in their cleft and craniofacial journeys. Your gift supports ACPA as we create a world where individuals with cleft and craniofacial conditions thrive.
